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Writer's pictureLuke Newton-Mason

Is The Darkness The Key To Manifesting Abundance?

The concept of manifestation has been in the spotlight of many new age spiritual communities for decades and has captivated many seekers alike. The idea of shaping one’s reality through the beliefs and energy they are emitting are all real concepts that hold great power once they are owned and integrated. However, many do not realise that the primary aspect of the self that holds our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us is our shadow/unconscious mind. Therefore, simply trying to change one's mindset as a standalone action, often falls short in terms of results, simply because the unconscious mind is likely holding repressed trauma, limiting belief systems and patterns that the individual may not even realise exist. In this blog, we will explore the concept of abundance and manifestation and the role in which the darkness plays in effectively attaining it. 

Understanding Abundance and Creation 

What Is Abundance?

Abundance is a concept that is often viewed at the surface level - be that financial, emotional or spiritual. We need to first understand how it flows from a metaphysical standpoint before we can start to shape it. Abundance is a way of describing the creative current of energy that flows through the natural world and informs the cycle of life and death: birthing, experiencing and dying continuously as it flows. It is resonant with that of the primal sexual energy, the life force and fuel of creation and is not governed by duality. This life force energy is what shapes the natural world around us and because it is constantly flowing, meets no boundaries or lack other than that which is defined by the creator (us). 

Three Stages Of Creation

Creation goes through three stages to manifest on Earth. The causal plane, in the upper world, contains all possibilities. Some of these possibilities descend to the underworld/collective unconscious, also known as the formative plane, where they become probabilities. If these probabilities receive enough energy, through our thoughts, beliefs and emotions, they descend to the physical plane, becoming actualities and therefore shaping the reality around us. Because the unconscious is the formative plane and is what holds the probabilities, the beliefs that are behind these probabilities are what will manifest within the physical plane. Such beliefs for everyone are highly personal but are shaped from the programming that we received in our early years. For example, someone could have been raised in a family with constant financial worry and being told things like “don’t spend it all at once”. All we have to do is look at how this example would have shaped their unconscious beliefs around the concept of financial abundance. The same goes for a child witnessing the separation of its parents - how would this form the child’s unconscious beliefs around relationships and emotional abundance? Another common example is a child that grows up in a religious household that projects the responsibility of creation onto an external divinity; how does this form the unconscious beliefs around spiritual abundance? These beliefs are ultimately going to vary from person to person, according to their individual experiences. Collective-level programs also play a crucial role in this process. 

Levels of Abundance

Abundance can be thought of as an energy that comes down through the crown chakra to different levels of the energy system. According to our past experiences, repressed traumas and the unconscious beliefs that spawn from them, we may lack in one or more of these levels of abundance: 

Spiritual – connection to Higher Self and authenticity

Mental – Wisdom and understanding

Emotional – Love and joy

Physical – money and other material things

When we take all of this into consideration, if abundance isn’t flowing in the way that we truly want, it is not hard to see that many of us are holding onto significant levels of trauma around abundance and may not even be aware that such trauma exists in the unconscious mind.  Despite it not being in the conscious mind, the lack continues to manifest day to day. It is these expressions of the unconscious that are responsible for shaping reality, therefore, approaching it from the surface level through love & light or trying to focus on positive thoughts will likely fall short. How can one change their mindset to manifest the abundance they want effectively when there are many layers of repressed trauma and limiting beliefs around the subject? It is the darkness that contains the true medicine to open the channel to abundance. 

Understanding the Concept of Darkness

When we think of darkness, our minds often conjure images of fear, uncertainty, and the unknown but in reality, darkness refers to the collective unconscious, which as mentioned above, is the place where probabilities become reality. What if darkness isn’t something to be feared, but rather embraced as a powerful ally in manifesting abundance? In both the physical and metaphysical worlds, darkness plays a crucial role in creation and transformation. It’s the space where seeds germinate, where the roots of the tree reside, where ideas begin to take form, and where our deepest desires come to fruition. Because we have been wired to fear what lies within our unconscious and judge it, many do not realise that the darkness is a key ingredient in cultivating abundance.

The Role of Darkness in Nature and the Universe

Darkness is an integral part of the natural world. Consider the night sky, where the vastness of space is filled with dark matter and energy, the invisible forces that make up most of the universe. Or think about a seed buried in the ground, needing the darkness of the soil to sprout and grow. Also imagine a beautiful, blooming tree, you cannot have the branches without the roots. As with all of these examples, darkness is not the absence of light, but rather a complementary force that enables growth and expansion. Without darkness, there would be no contrast, no depth, no space for new possibilities to emerge. The dualistic views of the religious programming that we are exposed to sees the darkness as something that needs to be extinguished, instead of seeing it as a necessary part of creation itself. Fearing the darkness and shaming it is simply shaming the formative plane that births creation and a core part of who we are. 

Darkness vs. Light: Why Both Are Essential

The relationship between darkness and light is one of balance, harmony and non-duality. We encourage not seeing them as entirely separate energies but as two necessary mechanisms in the universe that need each other to be able to effectively function. Just as we need light to see and grow, we need darkness to rest, reflect, and regenerate. In the context of manifestation, light represents the realisation and illumination of our desires - the tangible outcomes we can see and touch. Darkness, on the other hand, represents the process of creation, the incubation period where our ideas and intentions take shape. Both are essential for bringing our dreams to fruition.

The Metaphysical Power of The Darkness

Darkness as a Space of Potential and Creation

Darkness is the feminine, chaotic force of the universe, where potential thrives. It’s the space where everything is possible, where nothing has yet been defined or limited. Within the space of the feminine and the unknown, we can connect with our deepest desires and plant the seeds of our intentions, as well as delving into the roots that hold our self-identity in place. It is within the darkness that we can identify the specific programs that have been preventing us from really making our lives the way that we want them to be. This is why many spiritual practices involve meditating in darkness or focusing inward during the night. It’s a time when the external world quiets down, allowing us to tune into the inner world of possibilities.

The Womb of Creation: How Darkness Nurtures New Beginnings

Think of darkness as the womb of creation. Just as a child grows in the darkness of the womb, protected and nurtured until it’s ready to emerge into the world, our ideas and desires also need a period of gestation. During this time, they develop and strengthen, drawing from the unseen energies of the universe. By embracing our inner darkness and taking ownership of it, we give our dreams the time and space they need to mature and manifest into reality, whilst learning how to process the repressed trauma that has been stopping such dreams from being birthed into reality. 

The Darkness Is The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is often compared to an iceberg, with the majority of its mass hidden below the surface, in the darkness. This hidden part of the mind represents everything that we have learned is not safe to truly feel - these can be both good and bad things. This aspect of the self is incredibly powerful and has influence over our thoughts, behavioural responses, beliefs about ourselves and the world around us, and ultimately, our ability to manifest abundance. When we work with dark energies, we tap into the vast power of the subconscious, accessing the deep-rooted beliefs and patterns that shape our reality. By bringing these to the surface, we can begin the process of reprogramming such patterns in accordance to how we want our lives to be.

The Role of Shadow Work in Removing Abundance Blockages

Shadow work, the practice of exploring the darker, often hidden aspects of ourselves, is a powerful tool for removing blockages to abundance. These blockages might be limiting beliefs, unhealed traumas, or suppressed emotions that reside in our subconscious mind and nervous system that continue to govern core areas of our lives without us realising it. By confronting and integrating these shadow aspects, we free up energy and remove the barriers that have been preventing us from experiencing true abundance. It’s in the darkness that we find the roots of our challenges and the solutions to overcoming them.

Facing your shadow means looking at the parts of yourself that you’ve hidden or denied - this leads to greater self-awareness and resilience. This awareness is crucial for manifesting abundance, as it allows you to see clearly what’s been holding you back and what you truly desire so that you can begin to redistribute your energy to cultivate what you are wanting. The more you understand yourself, the more effectively you can align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with the energy of abundance. Self-awareness turns the darkness of ignorance into the light of understanding, making it a key component of the manifestation process.

Death Energy - The Paradoxical Key To Creation

What Is Death Energy?

When the word “death” comes up, it will ring alarm bells for many I’m sure. However, the only reason for this fear around death is because it is the symbol of the unknown. Death energy is the destructive force of the universe that is necessary to embrace throughout one’s healing journey. It is the primary force of transformation. Creation operates in a cycle that has three core steps - Birth, Experience, Death. Nature has to go through this cycle in order to keep evolving. In spring, birth is embraced through the blooming of flowers and leaves, summertime experiences this creation, autumn is the time of death and shedding, winter is the integration of the shedding until the rebirth is experienced in spring once again. Human beings are much the same - we simply cannot grow and change without death energy.

How Death Energy Functions

Because dark energy is the chaotic force of the universe and the primary initiator of transformation and possibility, utilising it will kickstart a process where you will begin to process and heal the repressed trauma that you are holding onto and your energy will start to shift to be open to the new possibilities. However, what will then happen is that the things that are no longer in resonance with you will start to fall away from your life. In other words, you will start to go through a process of dissolving the parts of the self that are no longer serving you. Some of these parts may have represented perceived security for your ego such as a job, partner, friendship, home etc. This can initially feel unsettling but is an essential process to go through as you are clearing space for the abundance in your life. This doesn’t just happen once but comes in cycles much like how nature functions. 

Embodying Death Energy: Transformation Requires Sacrifice

Throughout my exploration of Shamanism, healing and other esoteric practices, it took me a while to truly realise the true role of sacrifice in one’s healing journey and how important it is to embrace. Many are seeking to heal, create abundance and manifest their dreams, yet there is often no space for it in their lives due to an attachment to out-dated roles, personas and obligations that continue to run the show and there is simply no chance of trying to create when such parts are still active and resisting what is being strived for. If one isn’t attaining the changes that they are seeking, the question that has to be asked is what do they really want from the change they are seeking? And more importantly, what parts of the self do not feel safe to take responsibility for what they are seeking? These are the parts that need to be sacrificed. A core example that comes up a lot is as follows, say we want more financial abundance. When we delve deeper into this, we always realise it isn’t actually the money that is desired at all, but the feeling that it brings. For example, we may want money because it brings us freedom, at which point, we realise that what we are actually seeking is freedom. When we identify this, we need to ask ourselves, what took the freedom away, in other words, when were we made to feel that it is unsafe to feel freedom and in the present day, what is active in our lives that is draining our freedom? As children, we could have learned that freedom is unsafe by having it taken away by the irrational behaviour of a parent, at which point, we have learned that freedom is associated with disappointment so now, we do everything in our power to not feel free. In terms of what drains the freedom in the present day, this could be a number of things that represent security such as a highly-demanding job, coping mechanisms such as addictions, vampiric partner/friendship etc. It is in the healing and integration of such parts that death energy needs to be embraced. We need to sacrifice the aspects of the self that do not want the abundance. 

In order to truly heal, one needs to embrace the continuous process of sacrificing and shedding the aspects of the self that are holding them back from their truth and ultimately, limiting their abundance. Nothing else gets in the way of our evolution other than ourselves and the death energy is the essential clearing mechanism that is needed once an aspect of the self has run its course. The only real block to this process is when one wants things to be different in their lives, but is not actually willing to let go of the things that are needing to be sacrificed, simply because the disempowerment feels safer for the ego. If you are not manifesting the reality you are wanting, there are likely aspects of your life that need to be let go of in order to allow the energy to flow unhindered. Many seek transformation but this makes no difference unless there is a willingness to make the changes.

How To Utilise Dark Energy To Cultivate Abundance

“Dark Energy” is a broad term that in this context, refers to any particular method of working with the shadow-self/unconscious to unleash and process the repressed traumas around the type of abundance that you are seeking so that you can begin to reshape the formative plane and influence what manifests in your life. There are many approaches that you can take to this and it really depends on what it is that resonates with where you are. It does help to approach this subject from a holistic perspective, which makes shamanic/occult practises very effective routes to take. However, these approaches have a tendency to challenge your ego more than that of a traditional therapeutic approach. Below are some of the most effective approaches that I have found in undertaking this essential work.

Shamanic Healing & Coaching

Shamanic Healing & coaching combines the ancient tools and techniques with modern psychology and offers a powerful and direct approach to shadow work and can show you what is going on in the unconscious by shedding light on the specific shadows that are playing out, alongside providing guidance on how to effectively work with them and redistribute your energy. Shamanic healing can challenge you but is an extremely quick and effective approach to personal development. The healings themselves are extremely potent and offer a variety of approaches to empower your healing journey. These are Illumination, Karma Purification, Extraction/Exorcism, Past Life Journeys, Soul & Power Retrieval, Destiny Retrievals etc. 

My most popular program is the Inner Child Healing Program and takes you through a powerful journey of retrieving the core pieces of your soul that are held at the different stages of your inner child’s development.

My Full Shamanic Rebirth Program is also a popular option for those who are ready to go very deep into their healing process.

Working With Dark Spirits To Break Down Blocks To Abundance

One of the quickest ways to unearth and process your trauma is to start building a relationship with dark divinities and spirits. One might ask, why would one want to work with dark divinities when they can work with the lighter ones - simply because the dark divinities rule over the formative plane/collective unconscious. These are Daemons, which are not evil spirits, but refer to divine intelligences that govern certain aspects of the collective unconscious/the formative plane. Invocation of these spirits is a very effective way of unleashing and processing repressed trauma from your unconscious and re-programming it, as well as getting solid guidance in different areas of your life. Despite the fact that this is a fast way to get results, it is also one of the most challenging approaches that you can take. These spirits are no joke and have one intention and that is to get you to where you need to be as quickly as possible, no questions asked. This means that you will experience large quantities of death energy in your life within a short space of time - you cannot be attached to the creature comforts and must be willing to release your disempowerment and face traumas that you may not even realise you have if you choose to work with these spirits, otherwise the process has the potential to be extremely challenging and even unsafe if you don’t know how to ground the energy.

I have recently released the Dark Prosperity Course which is a powerful, guided process of working with two daemons to process your trauma around abundance, wealth and prosperity. In this course, you learn how to safely approach these spirits and build co-creative relationships with them. This process will quickly unearth your traumas around abundance and will change your view on it entirely by taking you through the process of opening the void, sacrificing the parts of yourself that do not want the abundance, making a contract with the spirits alongside daily invocations to download their energy fully into your system.

I also have a longer course that guides you through the process of initiating into the currents of energy that rule over different aspects of the formative place. This is the Underworld Alchemy Initiation and is a much longer process of connecting to many different spirits. You will gain access to the primary dark goddesses that rule over the underworld as well as connecting to dark elementals and the nine gatekeepers. This will cause your personal development to skyrocket very quickly. Note that this approach is only for those who are used to large amounts of shadow work. If you are experiencing psychosis then definitely do not approach these spirits as they will cause you more harm than good. 

Shamanic Training & Initiation

This is an option that is one for the long game. Shamanic initiation is a significant lifestyle adjustment that will take you through a continuous process of decoding your out-dated roles, personas and traumas to align you to your soul’s authenticity. This process is ongoing but is extremely effective. Embarking on a journey this deep is not for everyone but the deeper you go into your healing journey and shadow integration, the more authentic you will become to your soul’s essence and abundance will flow quicker and easier as your journey progresses. For those who want to kick start their journey, the Foundation Course Into Shamanism is a necessary first step before proceeding onto the full Q’ero Medicine Wheel Initiation.

To Conclude

In the end, darkness is not something to be feared but embraced. It’s a powerful space where you can reflect, grow, and uncover the abundance that has always been within you. By integrating your shadow self, embracing death energy and the unknown, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities and reconnect yourself to the womb that birthed all of creation. Doing so will greatly enhance the effectiveness of other manifestation practices. 

So, is darkness the key to manifesting abundance? Absolutely! By stepping into the darkness, you allow yourself to discover the hidden treasures that light alone cannot reveal.

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