Rahanni Celestial Healing Courses Online
"If light is in your heart, then you will find your way home"
Kwan Yin - Goddess Of Mercy
What Is Rahanni?
Rahanni Celestial Healing (Rahanni) is an energy healing modality of truth, love and compassion. It vibrates on a powerful pink ray of light, which directly connects to the energy of the heart chakra. The energies of Rahanni is said to have originated from Andromeda, Sirius, and The Pleiades; it has been brought forward for the new age of Aquarius, to assist humanity in releasing all fear-based thinking and heavy energies, in order to facilitate our collective transformation process.
Rahanni is a form of life-force energy that is channelled by the practitioner and is beamed directly from the higher dimensions of reality by the Celestial Pink Angels and allows all light workers that are attuned to it, to be able to connect with Ascended Masters, Archangels and all other beings of the light.
As humanity undergoes it's current challenges, Rahanni is here to assist us on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels. It helps to release old, destructive ways of the thinking, whilst it's healing energies open the heart centre of those that are ready to move forward on their healing path. The divine energy brings us back into balance with love and joy in our hearts.
Learn Rahanni Celestial Healing
There are currently two levels of Rahanni, Practitioner (Level One) and Teaching (Level Two). During Practitioner level, is where the student is attuned to this beautiful higher-dimensional energy, helping to raise their vibration, allowing them to channel through the healing rays helping humanity and animals to a better quality of life.
Once the Practitioner has been attuned to Rahanni, it seems that many wish to progress and take the next step to becoming a teacher. You need to have worked as a Rahanni Practitioner for at least six/twelve months before you are able to take that next step. These Rahanni classes are online and are taught in groups of as individually arranged one-to-ones.
Rahanni Level 1 (Practitioner Level)
The Rahanni Level 1 has no specific pre-requisites, meaning it is open to all who have the intention. However, this healing modality is incredibly powerful and should be treated with respect.
Duration: 1-day (10:30am - 7:00pm)
What the day involves:
The attunement to Rahanni, a higher-dimensional healing light
In-depth practice being the practitioner and the client
A comprehensive PDF manual with in-depth knowledge of Rahanni
Connection to Ascended Masters, Archangels and Higher Beings of Light
A certificate, accepted by Insurance companies world-wide
A raising of your spiritual vibration to connect with the higher dimensions
You will receive in-depth knowledge that has been offered by the Higher Beings of Light for the healing of humanity and this planet
On-going support to all Practitioners/Teachers of Rahanni for as long as it is required
You can also be included in the Rahanni Directory Listing to help promote your business
Course Fee: £175

Rahanni Level 2 (Teacher Level)
You must have been a Rahanni Level 1 Practitioner for at least six months. This class will enable you to teach and attune others to the Rahanni energy.
Duration: 1-day (10:30am - 7:00pm)
What the day involves:
Recap and development of the Rahanni principles.
The student will learn more about where Rahanni comes from and how it was founded.
Attunement to the Rahanni Teacher level, whereby the sacred symbols are given.
A comprehensive PDF manual with in-depth knowledge of Rahanni.
How to give attunements at practitioner and teacher level.
In-depth attunement practice.
How to teach Rahanni.
How to give the star grid activation.
A certificate, accepted by Insurance companies world-wide.
On-going support to all Practitioners/Teachers of Rahanni for as long as it is required.
You can also be included in the Rahanni Directory Listing to help promote your business.
Course Fee: £225

Upcoming Classes
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